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RULES! RULES! RULES!!!!!!………………At this point, she’s over breaking the rules. She figures that he’s just not worth it or not man enough to show that he is. Even though she’s very much into him, she’s got to let go….it’s not pride, it’s called self-respect.

The hardest thing about falling in love is not being completely sure of the other person’s feelings. You don’t say you love a person until you know for sure that you really do. Until you’ve seen and experienced the shitty side of the other person and still don’t want to let go. Until you get to the point where looks don’t count .Until you value the other person more than yourself. Until you’re ready to go all out for the person, regardless of circumstance……when she does all of that, dude, don’t get it twisted, that girl loves you. When she’s doing all of that and you’re not giving anything in return, that’s selfish. And dude, she’s going to get tired along the line, and give it a break. She’s going to let go and someone else is going to come around and appreciate what you didn’t.

Truth is, no matter how many times you’ve been hurt, you’re going to have to let go of the past and be ready to trust again or remain single. When you feel something for a person, you’ve got to do more than just say, you’ve got to show it …. Actions do speak louder than words. Put in some effort, trust in your feelings. If it doesn’t work out, well, at least you tried. You gain some experience also. But don’t let an opportunity pass you by because of your ego or some heartbreak or fear of denial. Again, that’s just selfish. Forget about the rules, they are meant to be broken anyway. Rules do not determine whom you fall in love with, your heart does. So follow your heart and let your brain decide. Don’t take her show of affection for granted, you can do more than just ignore. If you love her, treat her right. You’ve got a brain, you can tell when she loves you back, trust in your instincts. When you’re sure that she does … don’t hold back. You’ve got everything to gain and nothing to lose …. No Regrets, Just Lessons.

**To all the ladies: You’re pretty enough to not be treated as second best. You’re your own kind of beautiful and a princess in your own right!**

** To the guys: don’t take a good woman for granted.**


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